No Business is too Small - “Increase Your Revenue With On-Line Chat Support”

Historically Live chat was always considered to be a “nice to have” rather than an essential channel in your digital strategy.
A new breed of on-line customer is forcing companies to adapt and adopt styles of communicating with them in their preferred way. Live chat being one method that is increasingly demanded by these customers. Around 30% of your customers will now expect to use live chat on your website, this can be as high as 62% when visiting from a mobile device. These figures are the same regardless of how big or how small your business is.
Research shows that:
- 42% of customers preferred live chat as their communication channel - JD Power
- Only 9% of companies have live chat on their web sites - Forrester.
- 72% of visitors who interacted through a “Live Chat” would not of made a purchase if chat had not been available – RANDEM Group
- 52% of customers said having the ability to talk to a live chat advisor was one of the most important features a company could offer – RANDEM Group
RANDEM Group have been operating live chat for our clients since 2015. Since commencing live chat we have seen growth in excess of 100% in chat sessions across our customer base. We have seen in reality that customers are 300% more likely to engage in live chat now than they were in 2015.

We have seen conversion after chat running in excess of 30%. This is achieved by ensuring that all chats are driving a customer outcome and not simply acting as extension of their frequently asked questions.
Our statistics show that 80% of chat driven revenue is seen between 6-10pm, with live chat effectively becoming an extension of a client’s bricks and mortar store.
An additional benefit is that intelligence gathered in chat sessions allows you to tune your web site and ecommerce offering to maximise the customer experience and as a consequence reducing your cost of sale.

RANDEM are globally handling in excess of 60,000 interactions across B2C and B2B clients on a 24/7 basis. These clients range from small businesses to large organisations with established customer base. What all our customers have in common is partnering with RANDEM to grow their revenue and improve customer retention.
Contact us below and we can help you identify how to grow your revenue using live chat based on our extensive experience and research.